Fahdos on "Custom Fields on RSS feed: how to?"
HI I'm looking for a way to add custom field to my Rss feed, I found many plugin but nothing's working. is there a solution? for exemple to create a function to avoid modifying the feed-rss2.php file....
View ArticleMichaelH on "Custom Fields on RSS feed: how to?"
Did you try: http://justintadlock.com/archives/2008/01/27/custom-fields-for-feeds-wordpress-plugin
View ArticleFahdos on "Custom Fields on RSS feed: how to?"
it's not working, is it because i'm usin excerpt not full content on my rss? i'll try it on an other blog to see. thanks anyway
View Articleericr23 on "Custom Fields on RSS feed: how to?"
Without an existing plug-in that works for you, modifying the wp-includes/feed-rss2.php is not that big a deal. Add something like: <nww:source> <?php if (get_post_custom_values('Source')) :...
View Articlestoicboy on "Custom Fields on RSS feed: how to?"
ericr23: Wow, that's really useful. Here's my question for you: I currently have my site (http://shortformblog.com/) set up with an RSS feed designed from a hacked plugin that uses an array call and a...
View Articleericr23 on "Custom Fields on RSS feed: how to?"
The RSS feed is essentially just a custom strict XML index page. So you should indeed be able to duplicate your code in it. Nice looking site!
View Articlestoicboy on "Custom Fields on RSS feed: how to?"
Hi Eric, I actually finally figured it out. I made a similar data loop for the RSS feed using a hacked version of the Tadlock plugin....
View Articlefoodisburning on "Custom Fields on RSS feed: how to?"
Hey... have tried it all....cant get this to work!!! anyone that can provide an easy step-by-step for making this possible ??? all i want is to show custom fields value in rss.....they dont have to...
View Articleericr23 on "Custom Fields on RSS feed: how to?"
One problem you may be finding is that most rss readers ignore such custom fields. So it doesn't matter what extras you put into your feed except when you also control the reading of it.
View ArticleReply To: Custom Fields on RSS feed: how to?
One problem you may be finding is that most rss readers ignore such custom fields. So it doesn’t matter what extras you put into your feed except when you also control the reading of it.
View ArticleReply To: Custom Fields on RSS feed: how to?
Hey… have tried it all….cant get this to work!!! anyone that can provide an easy step-by-step for making this possible ??? all i want is to show custom fields value in rss…..they dont have to show...
View ArticleReply To: Custom Fields on RSS feed: how to?
Hi Eric, I actually finally figured it out. I made a similar data loop for the RSS feed using a hacked version of the Tadlock plugin....
View ArticleReply To: Custom Fields on RSS feed: how to?
The RSS feed is essentially just a custom strict XML index page. So you should indeed be able to duplicate your code in it. Nice looking site!
View ArticleReply To: Custom Fields on RSS feed: how to?
ericr23: Wow, that’s really useful. Here’s my question for you: I currently have my site (http://shortformblog.com/) set up with an RSS feed designed from a hacked plugin that uses an array call and a...
View ArticleReply To: Custom Fields on RSS feed: how to?
Without an existing plug-in that works for you, modifying the wp-includes/feed-rss2.php is not that big a deal. Add something like: <nww:source> <?php if (get_post_custom_values('Source')) :...
View ArticleReply To: Custom Fields on RSS feed: how to?
it’s not working, is it because i’m usin excerpt not full content on my rss? i’ll try it on an other blog to see. thanks anyway
View ArticleReply To: Custom Fields on RSS feed: how to?
Did you try: http://justintadlock.com/archives/2008/01/27/custom-fields-for-feeds-wordpress-plugin
View ArticleCustom Fields on RSS feed: how to?
HI I’m looking for a way to add custom field to my Rss feed, I found many plugin but nothing’s working. is there a solution? for exemple to create a function to avoid modifying the feed-rss2.php file....
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